Let Me Be Your Mentor

The software industry is notoriously white, cisgender, and male. I am all three. I know that people who identify otherwise face ubiquitous, systemic bias that makes the industry a threatening place. It sucks. It's not something we (the industry) can fix overnight, but we can push towards a better future.

I am interested in mentoring early career programmers who come from underrepresented groups. This mentorship can take any form you find useful:

I can only offer experience and knowledge. That alone is not enough, but I hope it can help someone.

If you are reading this page and are !(white && cisgender && male) then you are qualified! Just send me an email at mentorship<at>hpincket<dot>com. It can be as short as "Hi, I am interested in mentorship". We'll set up a zoom meeting to get to know each other.

Note: This is a new experiment. We'll have to figure it out together.