Setting up a Reverse AutoSSH connection to my Dorm

Ok, you have a spare computer. You want to setup SSH. Maybe this is because your laptop is Windows and WSL doesn't yet support the Go compiler (or Elm compiler for that matter. Edit: It does now). So you want a Linux box always on in your dorm.

Problem: The …

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Define Error Cases Too

When defining the interface between two sections of an application, don't forget to specify how errors are conveyed and how the receiving party can detect and handle them. Of course you should specify what errors might occur.

Notes from my mistakes...

(Note: Of course this sounds obvious, but I'll just …

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Unix Fortune on Mac and Custom Fortunes

Install fortune on your mac with Homebrew.

brew install fortune

You can go ahead and start using it now, but if you want to customize your fortune files you need to know the following:

Fortune files are found in /usr/local/share/games/fortunes.

To add a new fortune file …

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Getting a REST api into your Mac clipboard

Automator is handy. It's a visual replacement for stringing together commands with pipes. Suppose you have an exposed REST endpoint which provides JSON data and you want to get some of this information into your clipboard. You can create an automator workflow which does this. All you have to do …

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Infinite Pebble Puzzle and Prolog

Puzzle: You have an infinite grid in the first quadrant. It extends infinitely as X and Y increase. You begin with a pebble in the 0-0 grid in the bottom left hand position. You can perform moves by removing a pebble and placing two new pebbles, one above and one …

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Bug Review: Python Subprocesses and GET

Bug 1: Python and Operating Systems

This week I've run into two bugs of note. The first comes from a classmate of mine. His python scraping script terminated with an out of memory error. He determined the error came from a call to the subprocess module, specifically subprocess.check_output.

From …

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Sicstus Prolog: Basic Workflow

I'm taking a course in Prolog; it's mind bending and I love it. But sometimes the developer environment can be a pain. Apparently there exist some nice Emacs integrations, but I needed some way to work with Vim.

  1. Enable line editing in sicstus. Install rlwrap.
sudo brew install rlwrap

or …

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Code Read Through: TQDM

We begin with this:

# an explicit index of the packages for 'import *'
__all__ = ['tqdm', 'trange']

Here's a list of sub-functions:

  • format_interval()
  • format_meter()
  • StatusPrinter.print_status()
  • tqdm()

Notes: * The default file is sys.stderr, this is overwritable * The StatusPrinter manually flushes * Actual loading bar creation occurs in format_meter * There's a limiting feature …

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Hunt's Concurrent Heap-based Priority Queue

Remember, this is just a collection of thoughts.

These research papers skim through fundamental computer science topics fairly quickly. Look at this terse summary:

A heap is a binary tree with a property that the key at any node has higher priority than the keys at its children (if they …

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