Adding an Easter Egg to our Numeronym Predicate

In yesterday's post we wrote a Prolog predicate for 'bookend numeronyms'. Ian Brown wrote an Emacs extension with a similar goal, but in that extension he included an Easter Egg in the examples:

Some examples of (numerical contraction) numeronyms:

  • i18n --- internationalization
  • a11y --- accessibility
  • c14n --- canonicalization
  • o11y --- observability
  • e14n --- Andreesen Horowitz

Notice the last one. 'e14n' is meant to correspond to 'enshittification'. I don't know the exact origin of the jab, but I do know that I'd like to include it in our predicate. Let's try to do just that.

Here's our predicate from the last post

:- use_module(library(clpfd)).

bookend_numeronym(F, N, L, W) :-
  WLength #= N + 2,
  atom_chars(W, WL), length(WL, WLength),
  append([F], _, WL),
  append(_, [L], WL).

New Fact

Let's add a new type of fact to our database:

% X is an easter egg base word for the numeronym Y
easter_egg_base(enshittification, 'andreesen horowitz').

An awkward name, but by this we mean the numeronym of Y is jokingly the numeronym of X. Now to include it in our predicate.

Two bodies

Here we pull most of the body out into a helper predicate. Then we construct two bodies for our main predicate. Each one is a different way to solve the predicate.

  1. One that continues to use word/1 as the domain of W
  2. And another that uses easter_egg_base/2
bookend_numeronym(F, N, L, W) :-
  domainless_bookend_numeronym(F, N, L, W).

bookend_numeronym(F, N, L, W) :-
  easter_egg_base(CustomWord, W),
  domainless_bookend_numeronym(F, N, L, CustomWord).

domainless_bookend_numeronym(F, N, L, W) :-
  WLength #= N + 2,
  atom_chars(W, WL), length(WL, WLength),
  append([F], _, WL),
  append(_, [L], WL).

Let's try it out.

?- [numeronym].

?- bookend_numeronym(F, N, L, 'andreesen horowitz').
F = e,
N = 14,
L = n .


And if we query in the other direction?

?- bookend_numeronym(e, 14, n, W).
W = ectropionization ;
W = editorialization ;
W = electroreduction ;
W = electroresection ;
W = electrostriction ;
W = electrotitration ;
W = emotionalization ;
W = endoauscultation ;
W = endocondensation ;
W = endointoxication ;
W = enneacontahedron ;
W = enterochromaffin ;
W = enterotoxication ;
W = equidistribution ;
W = erythrocytolysin ;
W = essentialization ;
W = 'andreesen horowitz' ;

Also Awesome!