Kanab, UT

Friday evening we stepped out to take in the foggy full-moon. I'm not one for superstition but the previous full moon claimed SOPHIE, this one was to claim its own victim, albeit mechanical. Unsuspecting, we spent a good half-hour watching the local cats play tag in the moonlight.


The next day we drove over to the Grand Staircase/Escalante region near Kanab with the goal of hiking some canyons and caves. While Saturday began in our standard fashion with breakfast at 8 and out the door twenty minutes later, it wasn't to last. Just as we entered Mount Carmel after driving for about an hour I heard a ticking sound when I accelerated - like a paper fan continuously hitting its metal cage. We pulled over and inspected the engine, we checked the oil, we checked under the car, we checked the temperature, we checked our watches, we called our friends and family.

In the end we endeavored to coast the two remaining miles to the Red Hallow Canyon trailhead. There I hiked my first slot canyon. A narrow canyon that required a modest amount of bouldering.

After the hike we coasted 20 miles back to the nearest mechanic in Kanab, Utah. There Jake Ramsey took a look at the engine while we had lunch. We found a great spot at the Wild Thyme Cafe. I had a house-made falafel salad.

Turns out the engine was shot so we hired a tow to St. George and rode in the cab as far as our Airbnb in Apple Valley.

Here she continues to St. George, hopefully not her final resting place.


We set out again to hike the Kanab area. This time we headed to Buckskin Gulch, the longest slot canyon in the US. It's nearly 12 miles in length, we hiked just a couple.

After a half day of hiking we retired again to the Wild Thyme Cafe. This time I tried the Kanab Cowboy Ribs which did not disappoint.