All articles
- 2025-03-05: Competition: Household Defense Chart
- 2025-02-15: Common Questions in Software Engineering
- 2025-01-03: ArchUnit for managing complexity
- 2024-12-31: The Developer's Pendulum
- 2024-09-29: Representing rationals with Integer Constraints
- 2024-07-16: Adding an Easter Egg to our Numeronym Predicate
- 2024-07-15: Logical Numeronyms
- 2024-03-26: Minimal Shared Logic
- 2023-11-13: A simple Clojure macro using &env
- 2023-09-18: Implementing firstNotNullOfOrNull in Clojure
- 2023-09-06: Implementing an Iseq-conforming linked list in Clojure
- 2023-09-04: Thoughts on Spec-ulation (Rich Hickey)
- 2023-06-07: Getting started with Reactor
- 2023-06-03: Webserver Load Testing: A first exposure
- 2022-12-11: Hyperfixate
- 2022-06-24: Centralia, PA
- 2021-12-22: Gzipping UUIDs
- 2021-09-05: The Pittsburgh List
- 2021-05-31: Debugging concurrent requests, for simple cases
- 2021-05-22: Chaco Canyon